Monday, February 2, 2009

Begin Green Living Now

Dear Friends,
we know now that our planet earth,our home,is in a state of peril & we need to do something
One optoion which has been used by the ancient people,like the indigenous people of USA,who
had reverence for planet earth, is to get in synch 'inside' ourselves with the the planet & slowly
learn the art & practices of turning green.Not only in the head but also in the
body as well.
This blog will deal with similar understanding & exercises to that end & invites people from all over the world to join me in these explorations together & share their knowledge of different cultures inhabited by them.Let us enrich each other forever.
Soon I shall be podcasting & will let you know.
Thanking one & all,


  1. Rivers ran,
    Crickets yawn as genocides seep.
    Wine is poured as grapevines sleep.
    My hunger aches as i rub my trodden feet.
    Trees burn warmly as I mourn dead sheep.
    A tenor man blows within the harp's heavenly sheets.
    Through my eyes the river of beautiful suffering weeps.
    The precious juice of the universe flowing through us shouldn't need to be cheap.
    Hold on gently,
    But make sure I know
    there's no need for me to keep.

    ‘In synch’ (cinch) or ‘in sync’ (sink) stands for ‘in synchronization’ which implies adjusting the routines of daily life to the natural diurnal rhythms of sky and body, if one can see the sky or feel the body, as an available method for better direct sensing of the subtle and obvious tides and forces of nature as manifest in the local weather and the cosmic position and the noospheric feeds.
    The two best things that we the people could rise up and synchronously do for mother earth, and more pointedly, for future humans, are, in my view, firstly, to abolish, disband, retrain all military establishments, and ditch their destruction gear; and, secondly and simultaneously, to outlaw secret societies from governments.
    The militaries and secret agents depress humankind and are the very most inimical to nature’s ways, as well as to fellow humans. The secret societies disdain and suppress and distract humankind using illusions, like religion and money and glamor, besides their wars.
    But then if the existence of these things and the consequent harm, so seeming, and suffering is because (per W. Blake) ‘we mortals here on earth do nothing of ourselves; it is all conducted by spirits’, (or, per G. I. Gurdjieff, is required by planetary processes beyond our ken), then perhaps we the people would best listen upward and direct thoughts, attention, focus to the natural nature of these ‘spirits’ or processes, and put knowledge, experience, insight together publicly to see what we’d have to do individually and/or collectively to repel those ‘spirits’ from herding humankind and (or otherwise complete the processes so as to obviate the need for) conducting the wars and crimes and atrocities and tragedies. (Why are they doing this to us?)
    If, after worldwide nuclear disarmament (ND-Day), the militaries and ‘intelligence’ operations disband and the people decree worldwide that no one bound or blackmailed into a secret society will be eligible to hold public office, then the people would be relieved and the people would care for the earth. That would be because whoever is pushing the technology has an ulterior motive. The people would like to live simply and study the human moral nature involved with life, to mature undistracted.
    It’s somewhat like the bumpersticker, ‘If you want peace, work for justice’. So, ‘If you want a stable world in which to dwell and breed, stop destructive activity’ -- (maybe by simply requiring the accountants to switch destructivity from the asset column to the liability column).
    In my view, these would be the greenest objectives for our wishes and choices. In the interim, an individual might continue conducting changes that lean in the direction of living through the days and years as simply and directly as would be feasible. ‘Tread so lightly... breathe the air so slowly as you pass.’
    Recently apparently in an ‘ice storm’ in Ohio or Pennsylvania the Amish people, comfortable in their small wood-heated and well-stocked houses and not dependent on public service electricity, wound up bringing help to those mainstream locals shivering hungry in the dark, no electric power, five below.
    How would it not be a good idea for the earth, nature, and all humanity, including possibly even those few whose money might be involved, to legally outlaw the production of, say, the plastic garbage now collecting by the square mile out in the Pacific ocean? Cessation of the sources of the messes would be the obvious solution in many cases, whatever the money-power says.
    The question of whether smokestacks and tailpipes or maybe chemtrails are raising the temperature, or it’s something else, is aside from and does not affect the desirability of our going to more salubrious ways of doing things. Our working upon the earth, now at a critical juncture, do we press ‘reset’ or ‘self-sterilize’?
    KA -- 3/21/2009


    Now the context of the tide of the times is the exhaustion of the gross domination of nature’s resources and processes, and the inception of the subtle cooperation with the inexhaustible possibilities of nature’s reality.

    Biodiversity has become a popular concept and environmental rallying cry, because it seems intuitively clear that nature uses diversity and variety to maintain stability and flexibility. For some it may be popular out of mere nostalgia or sentimentality, but these feelings can be backed up by sound reasoning. It’s not just a few mice or owls, but the principle of the complete natural habitat as an interconnected and interdependent whole, including humans. Nature creates no forests of nothing but Douglas fir the way the lumber companies do. To nature, a Douglas fir is not just a tree-size plant producing a log, but a living formation with certain properties, which interconnects with numerous other living formations and entities with various properties, all of which weave the seamless web of what we know as a natural climax fir forest. It also seems clear that human science does not yet understand the methods used by nature to foster variety in the organic realm.

    The animals and the animal in us know instinctively how to act so as not to rip up the life support matrix. But somehow civilized humanity has come to associate civilization with the clearing of land; with mining metals, coal, and oil; with damming of rivers and pumping of deep waters. However, they know how to do what they’re doing, but don’t understand the consequences of what they’re doing. These consequences are not only affecting mankind but also the biosphere in general, including climatic factors. The scary part is that the degradation could actually put the life support matrix on the threshold of disintegration. Could this really be the end? What will it take for this age of arrogance to pass?

    Where there is forested land and longstanding naturally occurring ground cover, the water sinks. It sinks through the trees, bushes, grasses and plants and all their roots. Through mosses, fungi, molds, detritus, bugs, worms, mites, and microbes galore. It sinks because the ground is cool. All these interwoven entities hold the vast majority of the water and conduct it downward, down, down, down to that level of the underground pools and rivers where it reaches its greatest density. This occurs at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit, some number of feet below the surface. Where the forest has been removed and the direct sunlight reaches the ground, the surface temperature is likely warmer than the precipitation, and the vast majority of the water runs off and never goes through the cycle of sinking and being mineralized and made into the sort of water that sustains plant and animal life in a fully energetic mode. When forests are removed, the water table sinks, because there is no recharge, and the hillsides slide and topsoil silts up the rivers. We’ve been hearing about these problems for decades, but since the money economy that drives the creation of the problems takes precedence over everything else to the established powers, there is no action.

    Ever wonder how water continuously fills springs located near the tops of ridges far above the adjacent valley floor? The densest stratum of water down in the water table is pressed from above by the sinking rainwater cooling to 39.2 degrees, and is pressed from below by heat coming from the earth’s interior These pressures can squeeze the dense water through underground passages and levitate it to the tops of the hills. But many of these mountain springs have now dried up, due to deforestation as the water table sinks. So the forests and naturally-occurring ground cover (consisting of plants and associated species) are really part of the planet, the pores and guard hairs of the skin of earth. They are the organ of the earth-sky interface operation. It’s this operation that keeps the ice away, the ultraviolet away, the rain falling -- all the things that allow us year after year, generation after generation, more or less to keep raising crops and eating them and breeding and living on for whatever reasons we can think up.

    In other words, the elements are kept in overall balance by this earth-sky interface operation. Sometimes it goes off, like the Little Ice Age in Europe in the time of J. S. Bach, which lasted around 200 years. Or the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 when temperatures cooled and sunsets were notably red for several years. Nature is a self-correcting system, but if kept artificially off balance persistently could give up and go elsewhere, leaving large-scale deserts. Even in the last 5000 years, verdant countryside has become sand desert, and rivers have completely disappeared, as in Egypt and Arabia. At the present time temperatures seem to be warming, freshwater levels sinking, as witness the discovery in the early 1990s of the body of the Ice Man on the Austrian-Italian border, which had not thawed for over 5000 years, since 3100 BC, when the first Egyptian kings were about, and the ur-city of Ur was in its first heyday. We are already approaching some kind of extreme. It’s like we, civilized humankind, are a parasitic organism creating impermeable scar tissue on the earth surface. It’s like we’re living off mineral-poor rainwater when nature is perfectly willing to give us fully-developed, life-enhancing water if we would only refrain from interfering.

    Whether the forests are in Africa, America, Asia, Australia, or Europe, they are more necessary to the earth’s operation than they are to timber companies and political interests. It’s like selling your birthright for a mess of pottage. The changes in composition of the atmosphere the world over reflect the wholesale landscape destruction in many places. Minute changes in average temperature and interference with microscopic processes reverberate through water, land, and air, and result in large effects in the macroscopic realm (where we are trying to live).

    ‘The earth does not belong to mankind -- mankind belongs to the earth.’


  4. Springtime glow:

    Drifting bamboo,
    Slides and reels into the wind.

    Bird of the mind
    Chant a circuit of
    Trance inducing screams.

    Spring unfolds,
    Children throw discs into the sun,
    while under the ocean,
    a seahorse wonders…

  5. Humankind's relationship with nature is in a horrible state. This is largely due to our lack of respect and awareness of nature. We simply take and take without thinking about the consequences of how we take what we want from the earth. It is time to realize that in order to survive we will need to live in harmony with nature, and with our fellow humans.

    Today, large corporations own much of the worlds natural resources, or are trying to buy them from governments. These governments are third world governments in the south hemisphere, because that is where the majority of the world's natural resources are, on lands occupied by many indigenous people. Corporations convince governments to sell them their natural resources because they promise to modernize their country, and the governments need the money to pay back debts to first world countries. The indigenous people are convinced that they are in poverty, they are uncivilized, and to become civilized and break out of poverty they should grow cash crops on their fertile soil. While forests and nutrient rich lands are ruined by the growth of cash crops, the price of these crops go down, and are bought for less by first world countries. the indigenous people no longer grow enough staple crops to live on, and the prices of their everyday produce goes up, pushing them further into poverty. They cannot profit from the natural resources of their land because these have been sold to major corporations.

    The idea of poverty is just that, an idea. It was created by people in power to convince indigenous people to conform to their idea of modernity. Indigenous ways of knowing are considered primal, when in fact indigenous people are very wise because they have figured out how to live in harmony with the land, and to be satisfied with their way of life, simply living to live.

    We need to reconsider whether the "modernity" of the first world is really wise. Have we become more enlightened by our advances in technology, industry, and medicine, or have we in fact become more alienated from nature and from ourselves?

    We must reevaluate our circumstances, and the labels we have put on people. In our mad rush to get ahead, we have fallen behind. I think instead of striving for global modernity, we need to be striving for global equality. these are two very different things. global equality is possible RIGHT NOW. if corporations and first world countries were concerned with the well-being of every human on earth and living in harmony with nature instead of exploiting 3rd world countries and people to make a profit and further "modernize" the first world, we would be in such a different place in history.

    All i can hope is that the new generations see modernity for the fallacy that it is, and find a way to unite the wisdom of the ancient and indigenous people with some of the great technology we have today to create a harmonious, peaceful, and loving world.


    =Beginning in the 1960s, becoming established in the 1970s, becoming a worldwide movement and a force to be reckoned with in the 1980s, and being co-opted by the mainstream in the 1990s, the environmental-quality or ‘green’ movement is, it would seem, the direction of the future. From the viewpoint of centuries and millennia, it is a reawakening of sorts by the human race, after the long ordeal of industrialization. The perception of a lush, green land verdant with vegetation from ground to treetops is associated with paradise. The recognition by humans of their own necessary integration with, and dependence on, natural systems has produced the science of ecology, still young.

    The linear mind which has built the machinery and challenged the elements and spread metal and poisons across the landscape, and which has organized humanity around the short-sighted mundane pole of the international financial system, a weak reed, this linear mind will be giving way and ceding the reins of history on earth to the far-seeing (we hope).

    =The optimum principle, from continent to creek, for division and management of land is the watershed ridgeline.

    =In the early 1980s when I was helping install the watering system in the vineyard, it occurred to me that a whole esoteric school could be built just around waterworks. When I expressed this, I was rebuffed or ridiculed at the time... Again, did I not since long recommend all jurisdictional boundaries be exclusively along the divisions between watersheds great and small, allowing ‘water management’ to be the ‘organizing principle’ of human work and life on earth?

    No watercourses will be borders.
    All watershed divide ridges from continental to local will be borders. [I.e., all jurisdictions to be organized by watershed.]
    Administrative centers at the first high ground upstream of confluences, for the rest of the upstream watershed.
    Where a watercourse flows into the sea, administrative center for the entire watershed on the first high ground inland.
    Watersheds of creeks flowing into the sea are thus independent of any other jurisdiction but that governing the sea.
    Basins are also separate independent jurisdictions.
    [At the administrative centers the water flowing by can be periodically analyzed to keep track of what’s happening upstream.]

    =Couples or groups of whatever age ought to be enabled by government laws to occupy abandoned steads and farms and places, to tear down and build anew within ecological and geomantic strictures, with innovation and self-sufficiency and esthetics and durability encouraged, so that each creek and draw harbors people who reflect closely the muses and norns of the gaea at that exact spot, and who attend to all the land of the micro-watershed according to its own indications as sensed by people listening to the skysong and the earthknell, and the timepulse, and the call of foreverness.

    =War and excessive trade spread disease. The proper or ideal lifestyle of humankind would be for each grouping to exist in its watershed self-sustaining off the land and relating to the sky themselves from there. Village life in India is probably not far from this (especially since the advent of transistor radios and radiotelephones).

    =Planting of the watersheds. Simple, like woodstove.

    =Again, what would be the incentive system for people worldwide to strive to stay on the land of the countryside, to organize by watersheds and to maximize local self-sufficiency? Trade in specialty items could continue, but not be necessary to life.


    = Wrong agricultural methods are at the root of the problem. The problem is to achieve the continuation of the successful sustenance and even flourishing of the human populace on surface Earth in the face of the antithetical activities.
    = Agriculture uses by far the majority of the water used by humans. (Not to mention golf courses.)
    = Think we got a freshwater problem? Just think what a freshwater problem we’d have were there to be radioactive fallout drifting around the planet, poisoning everything. (It’s already happening in Iraq with the dust from ‘depleted’ uranium ammunition.)
    = (Throughout history, water contamination has been one of the most effective weapons of war.) --Prouty, JFK
    = Four years war in Congo claimed two million lives? [Estimated] two million children die annually due to the fact they have no access to clean water. --both, BBC, 2 Apr 2003
    = Paul O’Neill, in a speech on development needs in Africa, after a tour with Bono: (1) CLEAN WATER; (2) primary education below age 10; (3) public health; (4) get results. [--July 2002]
    = ’Capitalism has reached its ecological limits.’ --KPFA 4/13/2007
    = In Guatemala, in the lowlands, where the Maya held sway for centuries, archeologists have uncovered large carved stone panels depicting mythic scenes, sides of a channel that carried rainwater into a complex system of stepped pools, where it was stored for drinking and agriculture. The structures are dated to 300 BC. --Discover mag June 2009

    Future subjects: Enough water [water is a renewable resource]. Purity of water. Quality of water. Energized water. Radio-charged, light-charged, sound-charged, image-charged waters. Healing water, holy water. Spinning of water. Crystallization and photographing of water (water takes an imprint, apparently).

    According to the BBC radio (7/10/2009), of all the world’s great big problems, none -- except perhaps war -- is more pressing than clean water and access to it. UNESCO estimates that 800 million people lack such access, and two and a half billion need huge improvements to their sanitation facilities. Peter Day interviewed four social entrepreneurs from different areas who have been addressing this problem.
    A German football star in Hamburg has used sports connections among young people in Germany and Spain to start an NGO called Viva con Agua, which raises money in Europe to fund water improvement projects in developing countries.
    A research fellow at Oxford of third-world origin studies climate change and the legal and practical and social processes involved in altering the political power arrangements in place in order to afford access to water and sanitation to the people, using international standards of governance.
    An Indian citizen who as a student became involved in disaster relief now runs a village development organization in Orissa which is partly supported by the government, and which goes from one village to another to install three water taps and sanitary sewerage at each dwelling, bringing dignity and public health to the people.
    A Slovakian in Europe runs an NGO called People and Water which studies the technical side of long-term water supply, flood control, and shared watershed management of the River Danube, and the encouragement of small dams and ponds up on the tributaries instead of massive dams and huge reservoirs.

    A few weeks ago a video appeared on YouTube that showed (claimed) that saltwater, subjected to a low-level radio wave, would burn. Now [~June 2008], eminent materials scientist Rustum Roy and his team have published a paper confirming that the method shown on the video does indeed work. Roy holds a number of professorships (see his impressive qualifications at
    (You can read the paper at . It’s the first one on the list.) [With photographs.]
    In essence it confirms that ‘seawater when exposed to a 13.56 MHz polarized beam can then be ignited’. The beam causes the water to resonate and dissociate into its components of hydrogen and oxygen. The energy used to produce the beam is trivial compared with the energy released by the burning process. [However, this assertion is not made in the published paper. --KA] The flame burns at around 1800 degrees Centigrade, quite enough to do useful work like running a Stirling engine.
    Seawater covers 70 percent of the world’s surface, in many places to a great depth -- probably the most plentiful material on our planet. So, have we found the solution to our energy challenges? What will the ‘Powers that Were’ do to suppress this one?
    A breakthrough! And perhaps potentially the demise of the oil industry!
    Xavier Hermes []
